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The Value of a Woman of Noble Character

Writer: Angeline AyrtonAngeline Ayrton

“And now, my daughter, don’t be Afraid. I will do for you all you ask. All the people of my town know that you are a woman of noble character.” Ruth 3:11 (NIV).

The story of Ruth is unbelievably subtle. Ruth was a widow, and did not come from a godly background either; she was a Moabite – Moabites were a descendant of Lot, idol worshippers. All odds were against Ruth in Bethlehem – a God-fearing nation, her background did not merit her a cordial welcome there. So what made Ruth so special that God honoured her? Her virtuous character.

The life of Ruth demonstrated bravery, faith and obedience. The Bible records how Ruth remained faithful to Naomi, her mother-in-law, despite the harsh treatment she received in Bethlehem. She even gathered enough courage to go out and glean at the barley fields of Boaz, a wealthy kin of her husband.

She worked hard at the barley fields to provide food for Naomi and herself, and proved to be a woman of integrity to her kinsman. Boaz could not fail to notice her noble character. We know the story, Ruth eventually became the great-grandmother of Jesus Christ. Clearly, the Hand of God was visible in her life, God gradually led her life according to His divine purpose.

When nobody is watching

You see, character is who you really are when nobody is watching. Ruth did not know that her life would become a role model to women in the 21st century, she was simply being herself. You may not change your past, it is past and forgiven.

You may not control what people say about you, they are entitled to their own opinions. You may not be able to impress everyone, do not waste your time because you never will. But, you are in total and full control of your character.

Stop Letting your past define who you are

Stop letting your past define who you are. Stop listening to and letting people’s opinion about you get to your heart and break you. You are a precious child of God, be the woman who God calls you to be. Strive to honour Him in all your ways and He will surely notice you and honour you. Become the “modern-day Ruth”.


Published January 5, 2021

Angeline Ayrton, Founder of Loved. Saved. Blessed.




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